Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3 - March 7

***Abbi-Kay and Mary Michael's parents are going to treat of to lunch and dessert Friday(3/7). Please bring your own drinks. :)  Happy Birthday Girls!!! 

***Your child will bring home two folders Monday (3/3).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(3/4).

***Monday, March 3, is Read Across America Day.  Alabama's First Lady, Mrs. Dianne Bentley will read to K-4 through 4th Grade students.

***The Yearbook Staff will be selling yearbooks Monday, March 3 through Friday, March 14th.  Cost will be $50.00.

***Friday March 14th marks the end of the 3rd Nine weeks of the school year.

***REMINDER!!!! Spring Break is March 24th-28th. ENJOY!!!

***We will attend the Groundwater Festival at Troy University on April, 30, 2014!
We will post more details closer to time.  We still have a few students that need to return the forms that were sent home last week on MONDAY(3/3). THANKS :)

 ***To view the PLAS lunch menu, please go to and click on Just for Schools.

***We update our BLOGS as we receive new information from the office.***

Thank you for sending notes about absences, checkouts, and medication that needs to be taken during the school day, it really helps the day run smoother! :)

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