Wednesday, June 4, 2014

2014 - 2015 Supply List


Plastic supply box (with latching sides)
Crayons -24 count
Crayola colored pencils
Glue Sticks
Ruler (centimeter and inch markings)
1 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
Crayola magic markers
Watercolor paint set
1 Steno pad
1 highlighter
1 3-ring binder with 7 dividers
2 Composition Notebooks
3 pocket folders (plastic or laminated)
2 packs loose-leaf paper
Fiskar scissors - sharp tip
Paper towels
Kleenex tissue
Clorox cleaning wipes -Girls
Baby wipes - Boys
Band-Aids -Boys
Expo Markers
Paper plates -Girls

4 tennis balls (Mrs. Buchanan’s class only)
Please unpack everything from its packaging, label everything with a black sharpie, and put everything into busy boxes (plastic supply box.)