Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2 - December 6

Each year at our Christmas party we bring gifts to open. What we do in 4th grade is we separate boys and girls. Boys buy a gift for a boy and girls buy a gift for a girl. On our party day I will draw a boy's name and a number from a bag and they will get a numbered boy gift from under the tree. Then I will do the same for the girls. I tell the kids to buy something they would like to have but please keep the gift between $10 & $15. Please wrap it and put your child's name on it so we know whom it is from.Please bring your gift by Wednesday, December 18th.  We will have our party Thursday, December 19th starting at 11:30.  We will post Monday(12/9) who has volunteered to bring refreshments. THANKS :)

***December 20th will be an early dismissal day due to the Christmas Holidays. We will dismiss at 11:45.  Students are to be picked up by 12:00.  We will return to school on January, 6th.  

***Andrew's parents are bringing pizza & cake for his BIRTHDAY on Friday for both classes!!!!
     THANKS :)

***Your child will bring home two folders Monday(12/2).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(12/3).

***To view the PLAS lunch menu, please go to and click on Just for Schools.

Christmas Ornaments
In Art class students made beautiful Christmas ornaments. You will have the chance to buy your child's ornament and the money will go to the Art program. It will be used to purchase the supplies used during our Art time. The price is $10 and you can make your checks to PLA. Please send money by Friday, December 13th.

PTO Christmas Store
The PTO will host a store with small gifts that the kids can buy for someone for Christmas. It will be on Wednesday, December 11th and Thursday, December 12th. If you would like to send money to school with your child so they can buy something for someone special for Christmas, please send the money in a bag or an envelope. 

Polar Express Day
Polar Express Day will be Wednesday, December 18. On this day we will do all things Polar Express. Santa will visit us that afternoon and we will get to have cookies and milk with him. The children will be allowed to wear their pajamas,

***The SGA Can-a-thon will last until Jan. 29th. Each student is encouraged to participate!

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