Friday, December 13, 2013

December 16 - December 20

***Your child will bring home two folders Monday(12/16).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(12/17).

***We need someone to please send the movie POLAR EXPRESS for us to watch Wednesday.  Also, send any other Christmas movies that the children will enjoy.  THANKS :)

***Please let us know if you would be willing to fix chili or chicken noodle soup for our party.

Polar Express Day
Polar Express Day will be Wednesday, December 18. On this day we will do all things Polar Express. Santa will visit us that afternoon and we will get to have cookies and milk with him. The children will be allowed to wear their pajamas,

Each year at our Christmas party we bring gifts to open. What we do in 4th grade is we separate boys and girls. Boys buy a gift for a boy and girls buy a gift for a girl. On our party day I will draw a boy's name and a number from a bag and they will get a numbered boy gift from under the tree. Then I will do the same for the girls. I tell the kids to buy something they would like to have but please keep the gift between $10 & $15. Please wrap it and put your child's name on it so we know whom it is from.Please bring your gift by Wednesday, December 18th.  We will have our party Thursday, December 19th starting at 11:30.  
***Parents , please let us know if you would to send something that is not listed.  Students may bring a light lunch, if they would like this day.  We know some children may not like what is on our menu. :)
Dee - Cookie dough brownies
Mary Michael - Snowmen/Onion dip
Ally R. -  Plates and napkins
Ella Cate & Jay-Lee - Chips
Jace/Peyton/Tre/Jayden - 12 pack of can Sprites
Kacie - Sandwiches
Abbi-Kay - Rotel Dip
Gage - Buffalo dip & tortilla chips
Andrew - Cheese puffs
Abby - Taco Soup
Anna Claire - Sausage balls
Ben - Christmas drink
Ali C. - Hot chocolate
Brady - Cupcakes
Donna - Chicken lo mein
Jayden - Blueberry casserole

Judson - Cocoa rice crispy treats
Peyton - Chicken nuggets\

Ella - bowls 

***December 20th will be an early dismissal day due to the Christmas Holidays. We will dismiss at 11:45.  Students are to be picked up by 12:00.  We will return to school on January, 6th.  

***The SGA Can-a-thon will last until Jan. 29th. Each student is encouraged to participate!

***To view the PLAS lunch menu, please go to and click on Just for Schools.

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2 - December 6

Each year at our Christmas party we bring gifts to open. What we do in 4th grade is we separate boys and girls. Boys buy a gift for a boy and girls buy a gift for a girl. On our party day I will draw a boy's name and a number from a bag and they will get a numbered boy gift from under the tree. Then I will do the same for the girls. I tell the kids to buy something they would like to have but please keep the gift between $10 & $15. Please wrap it and put your child's name on it so we know whom it is from.Please bring your gift by Wednesday, December 18th.  We will have our party Thursday, December 19th starting at 11:30.  We will post Monday(12/9) who has volunteered to bring refreshments. THANKS :)

***December 20th will be an early dismissal day due to the Christmas Holidays. We will dismiss at 11:45.  Students are to be picked up by 12:00.  We will return to school on January, 6th.  

***Andrew's parents are bringing pizza & cake for his BIRTHDAY on Friday for both classes!!!!
     THANKS :)

***Your child will bring home two folders Monday(12/2).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(12/3).

***To view the PLAS lunch menu, please go to and click on Just for Schools.

Christmas Ornaments
In Art class students made beautiful Christmas ornaments. You will have the chance to buy your child's ornament and the money will go to the Art program. It will be used to purchase the supplies used during our Art time. The price is $10 and you can make your checks to PLA. Please send money by Friday, December 13th.

PTO Christmas Store
The PTO will host a store with small gifts that the kids can buy for someone for Christmas. It will be on Wednesday, December 11th and Thursday, December 12th. If you would like to send money to school with your child so they can buy something for someone special for Christmas, please send the money in a bag or an envelope. 

Polar Express Day
Polar Express Day will be Wednesday, December 18. On this day we will do all things Polar Express. Santa will visit us that afternoon and we will get to have cookies and milk with him. The children will be allowed to wear their pajamas,

***The SGA Can-a-thon will last until Jan. 29th. Each student is encouraged to participate!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nov 12 - Nov 15

***To view the PLAS lunch menu, please go to and click on Just for Schools.

***Your child will bring home two folders Tuesday(11/12).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(11/13).

***The 4th grade will present A Thanksgiving Program on November 21st at 10:30.  There is an invitation and order form for lunch in today's folder.  Please return the lunch order form if you would like to eat here, and the money no later than Thursday(11/14).  Parents and grandparents are invited and children can check out after the program.  The students are to wear church clothes.  We are looking forward to a great celebration!!! :)

***We need paper plates(the ones that can go in the microwave) and band-aids. Thanks :)

***Please send in an Alabama/Auburn/Troy item for the PTO basket by November 15th.  A note was sent home about this on 11/4.Thanks:)

***Friday, November 15th is the deadline for Discount Cards. The PTO will be providing a pizza or cupcake party for the class the sells the most cards (winning class will get to choose). The individual student that sells the most will also receive a $10 Wal-Mart gift card. 
***Donuts with Daddy will be held this Friday(11/15) morning at 7:15 in the cafetorium for grades K4-4th. Cost is $5.00 per family.

***Movie Under the Stars is this Thursday, Nov.14th. T-shirts are available for $10. These will be sold in the morning(11/13) in school foyer from 7:15-9:15. Concessions will be available during movie time. For more details, refer to the announcements page under This will be a fun night!!!

***The SGA Can-a-thon will last until Jan. 29th. Each student is encouraged to participate!

***The Patriot Marketplace is Friday, Nov. 22nd and Saturday, Nov. 23rd.

***We will dismiss Friday, Nov. 22nd at 12:00. There will not be afterschool that day. Every student must be picked up no later than 12:00. Thanksgiving holidays are Nov. 25th - 29th.

Monday, October 28, 2013


***Please send in an Alabama/Auburn/Troy item for the PTO basket by November 15th.

***Your child will bring home two folders Monday(11/4).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(11/5).
***School Day Picture Proofs are due back Wednesday(11/6).  These must be returned even if you do not order a package.

***Tuesday, November 5, is PLAS Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A. 
A percentage of all proceeds will go to the Pike Liberal Arts Technology Fund. 
Come by and show your Patriot Pride between the times of 5 pm and 8 pm. 

***Friday, November 15th is the deadline for Discount Cards. The PTO will be providing a pizza or cupcake party for the class the sells the most cards (winning class will get to choose). The individual student that sells the most will also receive a $10 Wal-Mart gift card. 

11/8/13 - Veteran's Day Assembly(Please see the PLAS announcements page for more information.

11/14/13 PTO will be hosting a Movie Under the Stars featuring the film "Madagascar", at the PLAS Football Field.  You can purchase general admission armbands in the PLAS office for $1.  See the PLAS announcements page for more details.

11/11/13 - Veterans' Day Holiday (No school.)
11/22/13-11/23/13 - Patriot Marketplace

  • 11/25/13-11/29/13 - Thanksgiving Holidays (no school.)

Monday, October 21, 2013


November 8 - Veteran's Day Assembly 

This Wednesday, October 23, will begin RED RIBBON WEEK. 
The SGA has the following activities planned. 
Thursday, Oct 24 - Wear camo for the war on drugs 
Friday, Oct 25 - Door decorating contest 
Monday, Oct 28 - Red Ribbon Day 
Tuesday, Oct 29 - Assembly  at 10am 
Wednesday, Oct 30 - Wear Red
Thursday, oct 31 - All students will be encouraged to sign the Drug Free Pledge sheets in the lunchroom

***Please send the fifty cents(to cover shipping)and items for our OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD box.  Mrs. Buchanan has a boy box and Mrs. Barron has a girl box, so this is why girls are bringing for girls and boys for boys.   If you and your child would like to do a box of your own that would be greatly appreciated.  We need to have our boxes ready by November 1st, so please send your items and fifty cents by Monday, October 28th.

***Please send $2 by Thursday(10/24) for a pizza party on Friday(10/25).  We will be celebrating that everyone in the 4th grade made their AR GOALS!!!!!!!  Students will need to bring their own drinks.

***The Fall Festival is Tuesday, Oct. 29th. The 4th grade classes are responsible for Wheel of Fortune. Any donations for prizes will greatly appreciated! Also we will need two volunteers to work 30 minute shifts. Please email or send a note letting Mrs. Buchanan or Mrs. Barron know which shift you can help with:
6:00-6:30: Cae Allen and Paula Rushing

6:30-7:00: Amy Price and Alithia Gunter 
7:00-7:30:  Jacque Chirico and Sonjua Dorrill 
7:30-8:00: Alison Sanders and Jason Terry 
Thank you so much for your help!!!


***Your child will bring home two folders Monday(10/21).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(10/22).

***Please send the fifty cents(to cover shipping)and items for our OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD box.  Mrs. Buchanan has a boy box and Mrs. Barron has a girl box, so this is why girls are bringing for girls and boys for boys.   If you and your child would like to do a box of your own that would be greatly appreciated.

***Please look at the 4-H tab for information about a poster contest.

***The Fall Festival is Tuesday, Oct. 29th. The 4th grade classes are responsible for Wheel of Fortune. Any donations for prizes will greatly appreciated! Also we will need two volunteers to work 30 minute shifts. Please email or send a note letting Mrs. Buchanan or Mrs. Barron know which shift you can help with:
6:00-6:30: Cae Allen

6:30-7:00: Amy Price
7:00-7:30:  Jacque Chirico
Thank you so much for your help!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8 - October 11

***PLEASE send field trip money in the morning(10-11)for students and chaperones.  We need to turn it into the office to get a check for OLD ALABAMA TOWN.    THANKS in advance!!!!

***The Varsity Cheerleaders have declared tomorrow Go Footloose on Fort Dale. All students are to dress in 1980's attire, but please note that the dress code still applies. The cheerleaders are hosting a pep rally at beginning at 2:05 in the gym during which our state champion cheerleaders will have a special performance.

The fourth grade field trip to Old Alabama Town is scheduled for October 18, 2013. Students should wear a PLAS T-shirt. We will leave from PLAS at 7:30am. The cost is $8 for students and $15 for adult chaperones. Please send money by Friday! Checks should be made out to Pike Liberal Arts School. We will eat in the East Chase shopping center after our tours at Old Alabama Town. Please send money to eat with your child on the day of the field trip. We will return before dismissal. We are looking forward to a great day! 

***Your child will bring home two folders Tuesday(10/8).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(10/9).

***In last week's folder(9/30) there was a note about OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD.  We have highlighted what type item your child is to bring for OUR BOX that we have in the classroom. Mrs. Buchanan has a boy box and Mrs. Barron has a girl box, so this is why girls are bringing for girls and boys for boys. We are also asking for fifty cents to cover the shipping cost.  If you and your child would like to do a box of your own that would be greatly appreciated.

***Monday, Oct. 14th - Columbus Day Holiday
***Tuesday, Oct. 15th & Wed., Oct. 16th - FALL BREAK
***Please look at the 4-H tab for information about a poster contest.

***The Fall Festival is Tuesday, Oct. 29th. The 4th grade classes are responsible for Wheel of Fortune. Any donations for prizes will greatly appreciated! Also we will need two volunteers to work 30 minute shifts. Please email or send a note letting Mrs. Buchanan or Mrs. Barron know which shift you can help with:

Thank you so much for your help!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30 - Oct 4

***Your child will bring home two folders Monday(9/30).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders Tuesday morning(10/1).

***In today's folder(9/30) there is a note about OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD.  We have highlighted what type item your child is to bring for OUR BOX that we have in the classroom. Mrs. Buchanan has a boy box and Mrs. Barron has a girl box, so this is why girls are bringing for girls and boys for boys. We are also asking for fifty cents to cover the shipping cost.  If you and your child would like to do a box of your own that would be greatly appreciated.

*PTO BBQ fundraiser tickets.  Each family is expected to sell 2 tickets.  The money is due Friday, October 4, 2013.  If you can sell more and need more tickets, you can email  All of the money raised will go towards electronic classroom teaching devices.  

***Varsity Cheerleaders will be selling “Spirit Badges and Tattoos” Friday morning for $1.00.

***Cheerleaders will be selling chances for $1.00 each to be a Cheerleader for a quarter of the ballgame Friday night.  The 4 chosen will be announced at the Pep Rally and they will participate in the halftime show Friday night.

***Please look at the 4-H tab for information about a poster contest.

***Mark Your Calendars!!! Monday, Oct. 7th is a Teacher In-service Day. Teachers will be attending AISA meeting in Montgomery. NO SCHOOL for students!  

***Monday, Oct. 14th - Columbus Day Holiday

***Tuesday, Oct. 15th & Wed., Oct. 16th - FALL BREAK

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Special Note:  Pike Lib is having a "pink out" day in memory of Miss Dee Hughes tomorrow, Thursday, September 26th.    Everyone is encouraged to wear pink. 

Monday, September 23, 2013


***Your child will bring home two folders today(9/23).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders in the morning(9/27).  You will find  in your child's folder today:
*4-H form to fill out and return ASAP.
*PTO BBQ fundraiser tickets.Each family is expected to sell 2 tickets.  The money is due Friday, October 4, 2013.  If you can sell more and need more tickets, you can email  All of the money raised will go towards electronic classroom teaching devices.  
*A note about Grandparent's Day & invitations for students to give their guests. :)
*A slip about checking out or remaining at school Friday that needs to be returned ASAP.
*Termite cheerleaders & football players have a note about shirts.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


***Please look over the 4-H material your child brought home today.  There will be a 4-H form in Monday's folder for you to fill out and return Tuesday. 


Target wants to help schools by donating money for every vote the school receives. Please go to the link listed to vote. Each vote counts for $1!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


***Gift Wrap sales are due Friday(9/20).

***Grandparents' Day is Friday, September 27th for grades K4-6th. There will be a special program for 
K4-4th grades beginning at 10:00 in the cafetorium. Each grade will present a song or poem for the Grandparents. Students should wear church clothes. Due to limited space and seating, we set aside this day for Grandparents only. We ask that Grandparents remain seated for the entire program. After the program, the Grandparents will be dismissed to the classrooms.  Grandparents are welcome to check your child out for the remainder of the day, but they must sign out through the classroom teacher. Thank you for allowing us to share in a special Grandparents' Day with your family.

***The Book Fair will be in the library next week.

***Muffins with Mom will be Friday, September 21, from 7am to 8am in the PLAS Cafetorium.  The cost is $5 per family.

***Mark Your Calendars!!! Monday, Oct. 7th is a Teacher In-service Day. Teachers will be attending AISA meeting in Montgomery. NO SCHOOL for students!  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 16 - Sept 20

***Your child will bring home two folders today(9/16).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders in the morning(9/17). 
***Varsity Cheerleaders will be selling “Spirit Badges and Tattoos” Friday morning for $1.00
***Please look at the 4-H tab for information about a poster contest
***Grandparent's Day will be September 27th.  I will post the time and other details as soon as we get the information
.***The Book Fair will be in the library next week.
***Muffins with Mommy will be in the lunchroom Friday morning 7am-8am(9/20)before school.The cost is $5 per family! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The parade will be Thursday, Sept. 12th.  The parade will begin at 5:30 and will circle around from the front on the school and end behind the lunchroom.  All parents will need to be parked by 5:15 as roads  will be closed.  Please have your child dressed and ready.  We must leave one lane of roads for emergency traffic.  You will need to get your child at the end of the parade. The Sports boosters will sell concessions so that families may eat.  .The bon-fire will follow at 6:30 and the Glow-in-the-Dark pep rally will be held in the gym at 7:00. There is a charge to get into the pep rally

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Please send $3 ASAP.  We will use this money to repay Mrs. Dorrill for ordering our hats (Thank You), and for us to purchase the foam board at Wal Mart.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013



The fourth grade classes will be working together to create a small float for the homecoming parade on September 12th. Our assigned theme is jazz. We will need the following items to decorate our float:

1. Foam Board (white and black)
2. Red Duck Tape
3. Black plastic top hats for the children to wear (25) (Party City)
4. White, gold, and black balloons

The students need to wear black pants and a white shirt on September 12th (black vest optional) . We will be making red bow ties out of the red duck tape and students will wear the black top hat.

Homecoming Week Dress Up Days
Monday - Disco
Tuesday - Rock and Roll
Wednesday - Country
Thursday - Homecoming T-Shirt
Friday - Red, White and Blue or Pike Lib Shirt - School will dismiss at 11:50

If you would like to donate one of these things please email Mrs. Buchanan or Mrs. Barron. It will be a fun week! Thanks so much for your help.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Back To School Rally - Thursday August 22, 2013 @ 6:00pm Delaney Kervin Football Stadium

The Sports Boosters will be selling BBQ sandwiches, Fries, Ice Cold Drinks, Ice Cream Bars, and Assortment of Candy.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Communication Folders

Your child will bring home two folders today(8/19).  One will contain Mrs. Buchanan's work for the week and the other Mrs. Barron's work.  Please look over the stapled papers, sign the front page, and return the signed papers and folders in the morning(8/20).  We hope all of you have a great week!!! :)  Also, there is a Homecoming t-shirt form, PTO t-shirt form, PE form, Achieve form, and PTO membership form in your child's folder.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The first few days have been so exciting! We are very impressed with our new group and expect great things from them this year! Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions about what is happening in our classroom. Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Technology In The Classroom

Pike Liberal Arts will be wireless this year. However, in the fourth grade we will complete our technology based assignments in the learning lab. Students will not need a personal device in fourth grade at this time.

Welcome to 4th Grade

4th GRADE SUPPLY LIST 2013 -2014

Plastic supply box
Crayons -24 count
Crayola colored pencils
Bottle of glue
Ruler (centimeter and inch markings)
1 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
Crayola magic markers
Watercolor paint set
1 Steno pad
1 highlighter
1 3-ring binder with dividers
2 pocket folders (plastic or laminated)
2 packs loose-leaf paper
Fiskar scissors - sharp tip
Paper towels
Kleenex tissue
Clorox cleaning wipes
Baby wipes
Cups – Boys 
Band-Aids – Girls
Expo Markers
2 Composition Notebooks (Label one Math and the other Language)
Please unpack everything from its packaging, label everything with a black sharpie, and put everything into busy boxes (plastic supply box.)