***Please return report card and Pre-Registration Form by Friday(4/4).
***4th Grade will be SAT-10 Test April 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th. Please make sure students get a good nights rest and eat something before school. It is very important that students arrive on time. They will also need #2 pencils. Thanks. :)
***Friday, April 11th is Prom day and school is dismissed at 11:50.
***Friday, April 18th is our Good Friday Holiday.
***We will attend the Groundwater Festival at Troy University on April, 30, 2014!***Friday, April 11th is Prom day and school is dismissed at 11:50.
***Friday, April 18th is our Good Friday Holiday.
We will post more details closer to time.
***To view the PLAS lunch menu, please go to www.pepifoods.com and click on Just for Schools.
***We update our BLOGS as we receive new information from the office.***
Thank you for sending notes about absences, checkouts, and medication that needs to be taken during the school day, it really helps the day run smoother! :)